semicolon is Bennett McElwee's blog about software, software development, the Internet, and you.
Actually, there's probably not much in it about you.
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about semicolon and Bennett.
Sometimes jQuery(document).ready()
isn’t fast enough. It doesn’t do anything until the entire DOM has loaded. But sometimes you want your code to run against your DOM elements immediately rather than waiting until the rest of the page DOM is done. You can do this with jQuery.waitFor, a new plugin. Continue reading “jQuery.waitFor plugin” →
2 Apr 13 —
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Scott Berkun offers a great excerpt from his book Making Things Happen. He views project management as basically managing priorities:
- Everything can be represented in an ordered list. Most of the work of project management is correctly prioritizing things and leading the team in carrying them out.
- The three most basic ordered lists are: project goals (vision), list of features, and list of work items. They should always be in sync with each other. Each work item contributes to a feature, and each feature contributes to a goal.
Continue reading “Making Things Happen” →
20 Apr 12 —
Last month I attended Adobe’s Refresh 2012 event. This is a roadshow where they present highlights from the current and upcoming product line for designers and developers. They talked about the future of Flash and their product strategy, and they showed some very neat tools. Continue reading “Adobe Refresh 2012” →
17 Apr 12 —
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Don’t jump to conclusions. Don’t join the Cult of Done. Wise words from Lean Software Development: An Agile Toolkit by Mary and Tom Poppendieck: Continue reading “Lean Software Development” →
13 Feb 12 —
Here’s how I use Git to work on projects that use Subversion for version control. The basic idea is to use the Git master branch to track the Subversion trunk. All my coding happens on Git branches. That way I can use Git to easily work on multiple different features or bugfixes at once, with all the usual git benefits of disconnected operation, speed and flexibility. Then I commit to SVN when my work is ready. Continue reading “A spoonful of Git helps the Subversion go down” →
25 Jan 12 —
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The last proper session I went to at Barcamp Auckland 5 was “Extreme AJAX – beyond the hashbang, building a robust single page JS framework and URL schema”, presented by Barry Hannah (@barryhannah) & Mark Zeman (@markzeman). They worked on the excellent redesign and gave some insight into its engineering. Continue reading “HTML5 — Barcamp Auckland 5” →
22 Jul 11 —
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Last weekend’s Barcamp Auckland unconference had social issues, comedy and politics, but of course no Barcamp would be complete without a heapin’ helping of software development geekery. Mal Curtis (@snikchnz) gave a packed presentation on Web Development Productivity, subtitled “What I use to quickly develop, deploy and maintain html, css, js, php & ruby code at and (a lil’ bit) Git, Sass, Testing (Rspec, Cucumber, PHP too), Continuous Integration and deployment.” Actually that pretty much covers it. Continue reading “Development productivity — Barcamp Auckland 5” →
22 Jul 11 —
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I attended a few sessions at Barcamp Auckland yesterday that concerned the Internet’s role in society. Vikram Kumar (@vikram_nz) and (@robertobrien) hosted a discussion about designing privacy into services and products. This was a wide-ranging talk — I learned about a few interesting projects. Continue reading “Society — Barcamp Auckland 5” →
17 Jul 11 —
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The Pomodoro Technique is a way of managing your time for improved productivity. At Barcamp Auckland 5 today, Carol Green (@carolgreen) and Noemi Selisker (@thenoemi) gave a useful outline of the process, from a beginner’s point of view — Noemi has been using the technique for a couple of weeks, and Carol is just about to start. Continue reading “The Pomodoro Technique — Barcamp Auckland 5” →
17 Jul 11 —
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About 300 of New Zealand’s brightest gathered in Auckland today for the Barcamp Auckland 5 unconference. As with BCA4 last year, it was all pretty well-organised for an unconference, though there was an unsettling lack of espresso coffee. Continue reading “Barcamp Auckland 5” →
17 Jul 11 —