Articles about music

Tunes for the body, heart, mind and soul.

UK Singles Chart

I used to buy a lot of CD singles when I lived in the UK. Now, at least I have this website. The commentary along with each single can yield valuable insights into UK popular culture, for all you sociologists out there.

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Internet Underground Music Archive

Before MP3, before Napster, there was IUMA, fighting the good fight for independent music. It was a cool site, back when “cool site” meant something new. And it’s still going strong.

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What Sound — Lamb

A slightly softer sound to this album compared to the last. More atmospherics, less mad drum ‘n’ bass mayhem. Yet still worthwhile, especially as it won’t scare your friends away.

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Beautiful Garbage

Magnificent, catchy pop music with artfully roughened edges, yet polished to a gleaming finish. I could listen to it all day long, and in fact have done on several occasions.

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Mink Car — They Might Be Giants

A few excellent songs on this album, and it’s well worth a listen. But overall it lacks the magic of some of the older albums.

The Australian version comes with a bonus track, Boss of Me, which would improve the album by its absence.

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