This is a typical slow African Head Charge groove, based on a nice descending horn line. No vocals or even vocal samples, unlike Songs of Praise, which is the only other AHC album I have. It’s well worth listening to, but I’m especially interested in the song’s name. Apparently Dave Dobbyn, one of New Zealand rock’s elder statesmen, made an album with the On-U Sound crew a couple of years ago. African Head Charge are also in the On-U Sound stable, so I guess that’s how they ended up namechecking Dobbyn in their song title, though I don’t know if he actually plays on the track.

Anyway, now I want to listen to the Dobbyn album. But in the meantime, Dobbyn Joins the Head Charge is from the new AHC album, Voodoo of the Godsent.

Source: On the Wire, 2 July 2011

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