WordPress 2 plugins

Tuesday, 17 January 2006

WordPress 2 was released a couple of weeks ago, and I have now had the chance to test my plugins to see if they are compatible with the new version. Here’s the list of current plugins. All the pages for the various plugins now have compatibility information — all future plugin pages will have this information also.

Of course, all these plugins work in WordPress 1.5 as well.

Plugins that work in WordPress 2

  • Evermore — Automatically display a short preview of your posts on the home page and other multiple-post pages, along with a link to the full post.
  • Less — Change the (more…) link so it jumps to the full post, not just the part after the link.
  • Search Meter — Find out what people are searching for on your blog, so you can give your visitors what they want.
  • Top Cat — Specify a main category for your posts, and use template tags to display posts differently according to their main category.
  • Plaintext — Allow your readers to download source files (e.g. PHP, HTML, ASP) as plain text.

Plugins that work in WordPress 2 with limitations

  • FixBack — Ensure trackbacks and pingbacks are sent with the correct link back to your blog.
    Works, but no longer necessary in WordPress 2.
  • Code Markup — Quickly paste code samples into your posts — you can even include HTML markup in the code sample.
    Works in WordPress 2 with limitations — see the page for more details.

Plugins that don’t work in WordPress 2

  • Safe Title — Use HTML in post titles in the default WordPress theme (or any other theme).
    May work in WordPress 2, but not recommended for general use.



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  1. Thank you so much for the list! I’ve been struggling with so many plugins that didn’t work on my blog, now I know that I’m not going to waste my time!

  2. Hi, I’ve just installed semicolon and I was just wondering if you could tell me how to remove the big gap between the 1st and 2nd paragraph, when I click “Read the rest of this story”. My blog is seoprinciple.com
    Thank you very much.

  3. Nadir, I assume you are talking about the Evermore plugin. This plugin works by inserting an empty paragraph with a “more” tag in it. Normally, this empty paragraph collapses to zero size so it is invisible. However, your theme uses a slightly unusual style sheet that prevents this. (Specifically, it gives the top and bottom of paragraphs a zero margin and nonzero padding instead of the other way around.)

    I will see if I can modify Evermore so it allows for this situation and does not create the blank paragraph.

  4. Plaintext is now WP 2 friendly — I have updated this page accordingly. There’s no need to thank me.

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