For a while now, this website has contained a bit of information about living and working in Japan. I have now redesigned and updated it, so I hope it’s now easier to use and to find whatever you’re looking for.

I plan to keep the website updated with current links and information on living and working in Japan and learning Japanese, so if there’s something you can’t find, please leave a comment and I will try to address it.

Related reading

Living in Japan

I've kept occasional notes on interesting things about Japan as I encountered them. These are all in the Japan section...

Dependent Visa

There has been some discussion in the Visa eligibility section about whether you are allowed to work if you have...

Visa Eligibility

Foreigners are not allowed to work in Japan unless they have an appropriate Japanese work visa. There are a few...

Tokyo still most expensive city

Tokyo is still the world's most expensive city to live in, according to the latest Economist Intelligence Unit Worldwide Cost...

Tokyo Regional Immigration Bureau

If you're in Tokyo, you will be dealing with the Tokyo Regional Immigration Bureau office. This is place you go...