Less: a WordPress plugin

Thursday, 23 June 2005

Less is no more. It has been renamed to Seemore and moved to its own Seemore plugin page.


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  1. For some reason, when I open your less.php file under download, it just takes me to a page with the plaintext part of this plugin–I can’t see how to actually download the .php file. What am I doing wrong?

  2. Lolly, try right-clicking on the “less.php” link and selecting “Save Target As” to save the file. (The name of the command might be different depending on your Web browser.) Let me know if this works for you.

  3. Thanks. It was a browser problem. I was using Firefox, and it doesn’t have a Save Target As option, and save link as didn’t work because it just saved it as All Files (opening in notepad) and there was no option to save it as a php file. Anyway, it worked in IE. Thanks for the plugin!

  4. Lolly, you should be able to save it from Firefox simply by saving the file as “less.php”. Anyhow, I’m glad you got it working.

  5. Hello have a little question.
    This plugin is very useful many thanx to you for programming the less plugin.
    The only thing I need to know is, what must I set that the less/more link will open in the same window. I am asking because of with my settings it opens all the time a new browser window.

    Thanx a lot

    Stefan Julius

  6. Stefan, that setting is not caused by Less. I’m guessing it’s your theme or some other plugin that is adding the target="_blank" (twice) to the link. Good luck finding the culprit.

  7. Thanx a lot Bennett for ur hint, I have solved it.

  8. this is just what i need – thank you so much!

  9. hello,

    I am just curios why this excellent plugin does not work for me with wordpress mu… I had a look at its code and I do not see any reason why it would not work with wpmu…

    anyone got a clue why it does not work? you can test it here: http://sibiu.zice.ro

  10. Well its working for me Great Plugin!

  11. seems not to work with wordpress 2.1 ?

  12. I’ve just updated Less to fix the problems it was having with the WordPress 2.1 beta and WordPress MU. If you plan to update to WordPress 2.1 when it’s released, you’d better grab the new Less first.

  13. works perfect. Im using both LESS and EVENmore plugins. WP Version 2.0.5

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