Nine Inch Nails — Hesitation Marks

Nine Inch Nails‘ comeback album is right up there with their best. It’s exhilaratingly depressing in the way that only NIN can be. It sounds good quiet, and it sounds great up loud. After the catchy and rhythmic Came Back Haunted and Everything, and the more low-key Copy of a, I was pretty keen to… Read more »

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Nine Inch Nails — Came Back Haunted

After five years, a new single from NIN. It is strongly reminiscent of The Hand That Feeds, but with a more electronic feel. Driving, catchy, energising. From the upcoming album Hesitation Marks, which hopefully will be better than The Slip. Nine Inch Nails: “Came Back Haunted” (2013) from Nine Inch Nails on Vimeo. Source:

How To Destroy Angels — A Drowning

I didn’t even know that Nine Inch Nails were defunct, and here’s the first song from Trent Reznor’s next project. It sounds like one of the quieter NIN songs, only with a honeyed female vocal (from Mrs Reznor) instead of Trent’s anguished voice. The result sounds like a bit of a throwback to the ’90s,… Read more »