Posts Tagged: Git

A spoonful of Git helps the Subversion go down

Here’s how I use Git to work on projects that use Subversion for version control. The basic idea is to use the Git master branch to track the Subversion trunk. All my coding happens on Git branches. That way I can use Git to easily work on multiple different features or bugfixes at once, with all the usual git benefits of disconnected operation, speed and flexibility. Then I commit to SVN when my work is ready. Continue reading “A spoonful of Git helps the Subversion go down” →

Development productivity — Barcamp Auckland 5

Last weekend’s Barcamp Auckland unconference had social issues, comedy and politics, but of course no Barcamp would be complete without a heapin’ helping of software development geekery. Mal Curtis (@snikchnz) gave a packed presentation on Web Development Productivity, subtitled “What I use to quickly develop, deploy and maintain html, css, js, php & ruby code at and (a lil’ bit) Git, Sass, Testing (Rspec, Cucumber, PHP too), Continuous Integration and deployment.” Actually that pretty much covers it. Continue reading “Development productivity — Barcamp Auckland 5” →